

To: Lloyd Sewell



 Richard Hall - Southampton European Information Centre

Southern Area Euro Info Centre
Civic Centre
SO14 7LW


 Happy New Year from the EIC


 We are running 5 more workshops on How to Find and Win Tenders. These workshops provide excellent training for small and large business alike.


 The aim is to strip away the jargon, help you find the opportunities and then to show you the strategies and tips to win more business.

 In addition we will provide a procurement expert from the local Council to take your questions and offer you advice.

 The fee for attending is only £20.


 All 5 of the January workshops will be the Level 1 workshops. These are aimed at those who are looking to improve their bids and for those who are new to the Tender process. We limit each workshop to 10 people so book early.


 The dates for the workshops are:


 Tuesday 25th January - Portsmouth Enterprise Centre 9.15 to 1PM

 Tuesday 25th Fareham Reach 2.15 to 5.30PM


 Wednesday 26 January 2005 - Bournemouth Enterprise Centre Boscombe 9.30AM to 1PM

 Wednesday 26 Bournemouth Enterprise Centre from 2PM to 5.30PM


 Thursday 27th January - Eastleigh - Wessex Business Centre 2PM to 5.15PM


 If you would like to book a space then please e-mail me at:


 or ring 02380 832866.

 PLEASE INVITE COLLEAGUES AS WELL and pass this message on to any suppliers or partners with whom you work.


 We will send out maps and joining instructions once you have booked a place.


 We hope to see you there.


 Richard Hall

 Manager European Information Centre.





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