Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft - A UK Case Study

BL Sewell - Audio Introduction


The current date is

On [ 26 December - I was ]

I am currently 83+ years - in, [ 1995 / 1996 ] - I was advised by the government's [ Small Business Service ]

That in order to get support for my business startup I must visit [ West London Business Link ]-

To secure financial assistance in starting my business training project [ Tendering for Contracts Training ]

Instead of getting assistance - my business was stolen by Dr Philip Blackburn, Chief Executive - West London Business Link


Jeff Taylor
- Business Development Manager and others at the former Business Link London West.

[The United Kingdom - the best place to start and grow your business ] -

Dr Blackburn and Jeff Taylor was supported by the UK government by the fact that the UK government encouraged unemploed persons to start their own businesses - while shortly thereafter the UK government ceased to provide legal aid support for civil cases -

This has resulted that after (50) years living and working in the UK and Europe - all that I have toiled for - has been stolen - with the expressed colluion of the British Government.

Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft in the UK by:
UK Government Business Support Agencies and Others - and the lack of response from the former UK Labour Government to my complaints -

Despite the fact that my complaint is supported by various witness statements complaints to the UK Government since 1997.

All my complaints to the former UK Government has been ignored by UK Govermnent, my complaint to the current UK Government has equally been ignored.

The theft of my Intellectual property coupled with the lack of access to the justice system and the lack of response from the UK Government -

The UK Government's lawyers later tried to make me / Bankrupt in the Guildford County Court - in my absense \ Very fortunately - The Bankruptcy Officer was aware of the injustice and advised The Judge to dismiss the Bankruptcy Application against me -

However All my attempts at getting justice has been ignored - I am left with nothing, this has damaged my life, the lives of my children and my grand-children.

IPT101 Background Information
