Audio Introduction - The UK Justice System
` Well, after trying to bring the matter before the courts since 1998, eventually the case was heard at Guildford County Court in 2005, I had no money and could not re-locate to other accomodation, the local authority, Thanet Borough Council first promised, I have had to pay the government a portion of the damages awarded to me for their assistance in bringing the matter before the courts - The defendant did not bother to reply to any documents or, attend the hearing, this is the creme-de-la-creme of English Justice. |
But then decided that it was too expensive and advised that I had better find somewhere else to live,
Thanet Police, (bless them, bless all social workers in the UK), did nothing, in fact they advised me that if I complained again, then I would be arrested for wasting police time - in addition, this officer told me (recorded conversation) - that when the landlord said that he would shoot me himself - he did not mean that he wanted to kill you!!! Well all good things comes to those with endless patience, I was awarded £ + interest, My solicitor was awarded cost of £26,050.56, including VAT, the costs to the paid to the (CLS), was adjudged to be £2,922.33, so in fact, The solicitor, (ref: Burley & Geach, 2 West Street, Haselemere, Surrey, GU27 2AG - ADB/JB/H9265/2) |
Example of The British Legal System
Between 1998 and 2000, I was under severe harrassment and actual physical assault from my landlord, after the theft of my business in which I had sunk every penny that I had with-held a proportion of the sum awarded to me - because of the Statuary Charge, Which has now been decided, by the courts.(Ref: Letter dated :: 19-March-2008 |
So, I have been harrassed, abused and assaulted, threatened with extermination, by my landlord and the award of £5,999.41 from the court for all this pain, is subjected to a deduction of £2,922.33, - whereas my solicitor receives £26,050.56 for legal representation in court an action - that was not defended by the other side. |