Jeff Taylor : Ruth Brothwell : Debasish Sen : Richard Hall : VJ Ammin : Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft : Dr Phil Blackburn : Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft | Dishonest English Government Business Support Departments | Dishonest English Businesses | Parasites | UK Human Rights Act | Lack of Access to UK Justice

Audio Introduction - Summary of Contacts & Responses from IBC / CMI


I had been a member of the IBC for about (10) years – my membership lapsed briefly and I rejoined in (1998) and as a Full Member –

I requested that my programme be made available to other members – and was told that it was not possible – since my training centre was not accredited by IBC

and this could only be done after my centre was accredited by IBC (inspite of the fact that my centre was already accredited by CMI)

I had also been a member of the IOD

Institute for Business Consulting

So I paid and had my centre accredited - making (3) separate payments to (CMI & IBC) –

However even after centre accreditation by IBC – they would not allow my programme to be presented to members – unless I paid for an add

At this stage I declined – and subsequently I wrote a letter of complaint to Chartered Management Iinstitute – to which they have never replied.

Institute for Business Consulting

As a direct result of the actions of IBC – my business has suffered unquantifiable loss – (I am the equivalent of an ant – in competition with an elephant) – and this letter reflects my disappointment and disgusted with the actions of the IBC and CMI – who publishes such high moral management standards – but at the same time allow their subsidiary to plagiarise and the business of its members and pass it off (under the banner of CMI) as their own creation.

I lodged a formal complaint (in person) with Adrian French - CMI area manager and my centre contact person - no action resulted.

Institute for Business Consulting

The total cost of joining both the Institute of Business Consulting and the Chartered Management Institute was more than £1,000 - the time taken to prepare and submit the various accreditation documents, including mappping to the Institute of Learning ana Management Standards -
(this takes about 3 to 4 weeks to complete before being submitted - and cost approximately £500,00 each time ) - submitting our course to both institution amounted to several weeks work for which I got absolutely (zero) from all this payment and effort spent - they never even replied to my any of my complaints of 30-July-2009, so on 20-May-2011 - I lodged another complaint.

I wrote to IBC and got no response – I also wrote the same letter to CMI and got no response – so I have decided on alternative course of action – I have registered complaint to both to IBC and CMI – both have declined to respond – I have no alternative – but to put the matter into the public domain – I will not have my business stolen, my life and business damaged and remain silent.

I was later invited to attend "Procurement Training Workshops" conducted by the Institute of Business Consulting - although procurement training has been my speciality since (1998) and I was a registered consultant with the institute and my training centre accredited and registered with the Chartered Management Institute.

It is well known in the UK that the previous government has removed legal aid for civil litigation - so any company that ripps off or steals another company's intellectual property - is sure that nothing will happen - unless the agrieved has the means to engage a solicitor at a minimum cost of upto £500 per hour and a barrister at a miminum cost of £1000 per day.

Audio Introduction -

So there is in fact (NO) Intellectual Property Rights or means of redress for small firms - the government is aware of this fact - yet nothing is done - all complaints to the present government is ignored. A person comes to the UK, work like a dog for (50) years, the government encourages people to start their businesses, establish business support agencies, have all your business asset and resources sucked by the the employees of these government, other agencies and members of the indegenious members of the population - you cannot afford the cost of legal action and the government removes access to legal aid in civil cases and ignores your complaint.