





Between 1998 and 2000, I was under severe harassment and actual physical assault from my landlord, these incidents occurred because after the theft of my business in which I had sunk my life savings i had moved into his premises as a tenant after the failure of the promises made by doctor Phillip Blackburn - former CEO of West London Training and Enterprise Council

During this time, I had no money and could not re-locate to other accomodation.

Thanet Borough Council in which I resided - first promised, but then decided that it was too expensive and advised that I had better find somewhere else to live.

Thanet Police, similarly did nothing and in fact they advised me that if I complained again, I would be arrested for wasting police time - in addition, this officer told me (recorded conversation) - that when the landlord said that he would shoot me himself - he did not mean that he wanted to kill you!!!

Well, after trying to bring the matter before the courts since 1998, the case was heard eventually at Guildford County Court in 2005 with help of Legal Aid.

All good things comes to those with endless patience, I was awarded £ + interest

- the costs to the paid to the (CLS), was adjudged to be £2,922.33, so in fact, I have had to pay the government a portion of the damages awarded to me for their assistance in bringing the matter before the courts - The defendant did not bother to reply to any documents or attend the hearing.

The solicitor, (ref: Burley & Geach, 2 West Street, Haselemere, Surrey, GU27 2AG - ADB/JB/H9265/2) - with-held a proportion of the sum awarded to me - because of the Statuary Charge, which has now been decided, by the courts - (Ref: Letter dated :: 19-March-1908.

So, I have been harassed, abused and assaulted, threatened with extermination, by my landlord and the award of £5,999.41 from the court for all this pain, is subjected to a deduction of £2,922.33, - whereas my solicitor receives £26,050.56 for legal representation in court in an action - that was not defended by the other side.

I moved abroad in 2012 and subsequently attempted to bring this matter to the attention of Members of Parliament - however because I do not have an MP - it has proved impossible.

So that in essence has been my experience of living and working in the UK for over (50) years and my access to the UK JUSTICE SYSTEM with the result being that because of destitution, I have nothing to give to my four children or my grand children and as direct result - my children no longer communicate with me.