Department for Constitutional Affairs
Selbourne House
London SW1E 6QW


REF: Brentford County Court - BF102062

Attn: Mr Danny O’Sullivan 12-Jun-2003

Customer Service Unit

Dear Mr O’Sullivan,

First, I must extend my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to you for your prompt actions and your response to my letters, since as a direct result of the actions which lead to the case

(Ref: BF102062), and my inability to attract legal aid and the required legal representations,

I have subsequently suffered additional losses and I now find myself trapped in the legal quagmire.

The sequence of events can be outlined as follows;

  1. As a direct result of (BF012062), I was evicted from my home,

  1. I was subsequently subjected to horrendous harassment and physical assault by my landlord (from 1998 to 2000) – (neither the local authority or the police took any action, my previous solicitor got legal aid, but again did nothingfortunately I have recently in (2002), found another solicitor and the case is being prepared for the courts, - (ref: Mr David Brocklehurst, Burley & Geach, 2 West Street, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2AG)

  1. As a direct result of (BF012062), and my inability to secure legal representations, I attempted to bring the case before the courts by myself, I was at no time given any assistance by the courts, instead I was treated by Judge Godchild of the Brentford County Court as a leper,, Judge Plaskow thought it was indeed very amusing that the court had lost all the papers that I had submitted, the full proceedings can be heard from the tapes.

    • The lack of proper access to the justice system resulted subsequent in costs being awarded against me, this resulted in a Creditors Bankruptcy Petition being filed against me in the High Court of Justice, (ref: Guildford County Court - No 307) by the defendants,

  1. In spite of the various problems, I developed a new project which I hope would lead me back to employment, this new project was subsequently stolen by a former Business Link employee and presented as his own work, he has subsequently received public funds to promote the project, I am now stuck in the third legal dispute as I try to get a disclosure order

which won’t be heard until November, (ref: GCU 301363)

  • I have followed diligently the various legal protocols in relation to these matters, since I cannot obtain legal aid in presenting my claim, but continue to find the legal process extremely difficult in (a) getting information from the courts or (b) proceed with my cases at a reasonable pace.

  • In the meantime, my copyright is being exploited by other parties, while I remain unemployed.

The first sad fact is that in both cases listed above is that the courts offer no assistance whatsoever, they do not like dealing with individuals who can’t afford a solicitor,

They go to great pains to explain that they are not legally qualified to give any legal advice – when any query is put to them, they instead advise that you see a solicitor, which in my case has proved neigh impossible.

The second sad fact has been that my life has been all but destroyed by parties who have stolen my business and the legal system which through its processes, mitigates against me in my efforts t obtain justice.

I can only hope that now I have brought the matters to your attention, that justice will prevail and the system of justice will not only work against me but also in case where proved will also work in my favour, I conclude by re-iterating that my cases is based on fact(s) supported by witness statements and documentary evidence.

Best regards

Lloyd Sewell