Lloyd Sewell

                                                                         23 Elmbridge Road

Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8NH

Tel: 01483 267098  – Mobi: 07866 607197

Lloyd@tfc-training.com  - http://https://ipt101.org//index.htm






Mrs Margaret Hodge

Department of Trade and Industry (National)

7th Floor
1 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0ET                                                                                                                                             Date:   01/05/2007



Dear Mrs Hodge,


I sincerely hope you will be kind and patient enough to read and understand the contents of this email.


I have received your response from Martyn Wyn-Griffiths


I am not surprised at the contents of the letter


I have met Mr Wyn-Griffiths about (4) years ago and subsequently ;


Submitted to him documentary evidence including (11) witness statements - (3 attached)  that substantiated my claim that my business had been stolen by Government Agencies or employees of government agencies to whom I had approached for help.


It is worth mentioning here that - because I did not have funds to employ a solicitor - I tried to take the matter through the legal process on my own - my efforts were defeated -


(Because my submissions were not correctly presented to the court - your predecessor in his attempt to conclude the winding up of the Training and Enterprise Councils - (applied successfully to the court to make me bankrupt - this was subsequently overturned - as an inappropriate action to take against me)


Not mentioned in the reply from Martyn Wyn-Griffiths is the fact that;


1)    I contacted the OGC, about 2002 and as a result was invited to a meeting in London,

       I requested permission to take my colleague and associate Debasish Sen to this



3)    As a result of discussions with OGC - I sent to OGC, a copy of my training programme

        On CD-ROM


4)    OGC - Informed me that - Ian Williams was the person at SBS - who was developing

        a procurement policy and I should deal with him - they also sent the CD-ROM to Ian Williams


5)    I successfully applied for an Innovation Grant in 2005  - Debasish Sen, as my associate

       acted as my consultant



noteworthy is the fact that Ian Williams tried to contact UFi and did not get a response for (9 months) - it was only after I put Ian Williams in contact with Pete Sutton of UfI - (who had also seen my programme that their co-operation became alive.) 



11)     My associate Debasish, who I have been very closely connected with since 1998,

           in his capacity as Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Small Business - in now

           sitting on the National Procurement Forum with Ian Williams - together with the

           Chairman of the Federation of Small Business - Kent and one other person from

           FSB Kent


12)      None of these persons were involved in this area of work - before they had sight of my

            programme - through my associate Debasish Sen and Ian Williams


13)      this has been done in absolute secrecy and without my knowledge - by Ian Williams

           while at the very same time on a monthly basis Ian Williams and myself had discussions

            relating to the fact that when his project was completed - he wished that I bid for the project


14)    Having ripped my business - my associate does not speak to me any more -


In conclusion :  with respect it will always be the case that the head of a department will defend his or her staff.


I have been involved in developing this project over a period of (10) years - I have borrowed money from friends and the bank to invested in the project, I have had minimal support from government agencies, my partner has invested a small fortune in the business,


It is shameful - that for the past (15) years - every project that I have developed has been stolen by a government agency or employers of government agencies


1)    Dr Philip Blackburn - past Chief Executive West London TEC


2)    Veejay Amin - Chief Executive of Changing Futures, Brent


3)    Debasish Sen - Deputy Charirman FSB Kent


To name only (3) -


I am currently (66) years old and all I am trying to do is - not spend the rest of my life in abject poverty - yet all that I have has been stolen - I can't afford legal representation, I have no one to

turn to - so all I have to look forward to is a very slow and extremely painful death - in poverty 


All the statements that I have made can be substantiated and coroborated by witness statements one is attached)


My partner and myself would be very grateful to have a meeting with you personally so that we can outline our problem - this should not take more than half an hour - of your precious time.


 We will also be extremely grateful if Mr Martyn Wyn-Griffiths had no further involvement in this matter


Very best regards, we look forward to hearing from you.


Lloyd Sewell – Director

Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft 101 by : Dr Phil Blackburn : VJ Amin : Jeff Taylor: Ruth Brothwell : Debasish Sen : Richard Hall : Southampton EIC : Menu Vora: UK Government : Business Support Agencies : Federatrion of Small Business : Patricia Anne McNeil

23 Elmbridge Road

Cranleigh – Surrey GU6 8NH