Lloyd Sewell

                                                                         23 Elmbridge Road

Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8NH

Tel: 01483 267098  – Mobi: 07866 607197

Lloyd@tfc-training.com  - https://ipt101.org//index.htm



Debasish Sen
Deputy Chairman FSB Kent


Debasish Sen, Big Solutions, FSB Kent



Federation for Small Business (National Headquarters)

7th Floor
Sir Frank Whittle Way
Blackpool Business Park,
Blackpool FY4 2FE1                                                                                                                     Date:   08/09/2007



Ref: Debasish Sen - Deputy Charirman FSB Kent


Attention - Head of Policy

Attention - Head of Procedures

Dear Sir's,


I sincerely hope you will be kind and patient enough to read and understand the contents of this email.


These are the facts;


1)      In 1998,  I developed the “Tendering for Contracts Trainng Programme”  which is aimed at teaching small firms how to tender for public sector contracts - I subsequently

            developed a business relationship with Debasish Sen, at that time Co-Director of  MiR

            Global, and IT and marketing company


2)      In 2002, in an effort to get support for my programme I contacted the Office for Government

      Commerce (OGC), and as a result was invited to a meeting in London, I requested

      permission to take my colleague and associate Debasish Sen to this meeting – which took

      place in Victoria Street, London


3)    As a result of discussions with OGC - I sent to OGC, a copy of my training programme

        On CD-ROM


4)    OGC - Informed me that - Ian Williams was the person at SBS - who was developing

        a procurement policy and I should deal with him - they also sent the CD-ROM to Ian Williams


5)    I successfully applied for an Innovation Grant in 2005  - Debasish Sen, as my associate

       acted as my consultant – Debasish Sen  requested and was given several copies of the training

       programme in order that he could perform the function of a consultant on this project


6)       I am not aware of when Debasish Sen, joined the FSB, however at some stage during our  

       meetings with Ian Williams of the SBS, he informed me that he had become Deputy Chairman

       of FSB Kent- 

7)       In secret, Debasisih Sen together with Ian Williams and the Chairman of FSB Kent formed the

 National Procurement Forum - together with others


8)    None of these persons were involved in this area of work - before they had sight of my

       programme - through my former associate Debasish Sen and Ian Williams


9)   Between 2005 and 2007, a period of eighteen months, I had regular meetings with Ian Williams,

Debasish Sen was present at these meetings as my associate


8)      Debasish Sen, having been my associate over a period of almost (10 years) – was informed of all aspects of my business, his function was to assist in the marketing of my training programme – Debasisg Sen has a legal Duty of Confidentiality - instead Debasish Sen has ripped off  my business and is using my copyright information to promote himself, his associates and his new business venture sic “Big Solutions


Debasish Sen, Big Solutions, FSB Kent


I have been developing this project over a period of (10) years - I have borrowed money from friends and the bank to invested in the project, I have had minimal support from government agencies, while

Debasish Sen under the guise of Deputy Chairman of FSB Kent promotes and gains financial benefit from information that was provided by me to him in confidence.


I wish that this matter be brought to the attention of Debasis Sen without delay – I have in the past written to at least (3) senior members of the FSB, none have responded, so I have terminated my membership of
the FSB, No: 2065121 



·        Copyright Law, Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)  [15th November 1988]

·        Intellectaual Property Law, See also information on IPR at www.intellectual-property.gov.uk

·        Law of Confidentiality,


All the statements that I have made can be substantiated and coroborated by witness statements which are attached)








B. L. Sewell