M R. G. Morgan

Department of Trade & Industry

10 Victoria Street

London SW1 ONN

REF: DBCD/2/53

Date: 31/08/2003

Dear Mr Morgan,

I am indeed very grateful for your recent correspondence, I would however like to take the opportunity to draw your attention to the following facts

Fact No: 1
Since 1997, the government has withdrawn legal aid except in certain defined cases, this has meant

that (a) I have been unable to obtain legal advice since that time in relation to other matters involving government agencies and individuals employed by these agencies,

(b) I have repeatedly brought the matter relating to the incident of (1997) to the attention of

members of the government – this has resulted in no action being taken to investigate my complaints by any government department,

(c) In (2001) on the advice from the Lord Chancellors office (obtained by telephone), I proceeded to seek justice by my own efforts – this matter is still underway in the courts.

(d) I have recently brought all the relevant matters to the attention of Mr Nigel Griffith – Sec of State – despite the documentary evidence and witness statements provided – he has again declined to investigate my complaint.

(e) You may wish to satisfy yourself of the bonafide of the above statements by doing a search for

my name in The DTI, DfEE, and The Government Office for London.

Fact No: 2
In the particular (ref: GU 301363) – I have also brought this matter to the attention of The Secretary of State, I have done this for the following reasons

  1. as the person responsible for small business

  2. as the person responsible for the department of trade and industry.

  3. The Defendants, namely V. A. AMIN, claim of support from the SBA and the DTI

  4. The Human Rights Laws; (Article 6, Article 14, and all relevant articles and protocols.

In specific response to the threats in your recent letter, whereas I am not in a position to threaten anyone – and would not consider so to do – I have decided that in the two (2) specific cases mentioned above, the small matter of my human rights has some considerable bearing as it has proved impossible to-date to obtain

  1. either a satisfactory investigation of my complaint(s) (which is internally conducted) or

  2. legal aid to pursue my just claims in the courts

  3. I am also considering going public – as your department by failing to properly investigate my complaint(s) – while at the same time - providing increasing levels of financial support to the Defendants – is discriminating against me and Denying my Human Rights – despite the contents of the following documents from The Department of Constitutional Affairs Documents vis-à-vis

  • Access to Justice

  • Human Rights Law

  • Racial Discrimination Law

  • Lord Justice Woolf’s Reports

  • The Lord Chancellors Reports

Fact No 3

I would like to remind that you – that the objective as laid down in the civil procedure rules, JUSTICE,

Further I can assure you that if it proves to be impossible to obtain justice through the English courts system, I will have no hesitation in putting the various matters before the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.


Lloyd Sewell

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