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Intellectual Property Theft:

Response to Complaint from the UK Federation for Small Business :: 09-Sep-2007

Dear Mr Sewell

I have received your email. I have not previously received any communication on this subject from you or anyone else.

I note that you have copied this to Pinsent Masons, Solicitors.

I am sorry that you should believe that you have suffered damage from another member of this organisation and that you have apparently resigned your membership.

We represent the interests of all members and we cannot therefore adjudicate between them in commercial matters. As you have instructed solicitors you must pursue your issues with them through the legal system.

If, as a result of your legal action, a member should be shown to have acted in a way contrary to our code of conduct or to have brought the Federation into disrepute we would then be able to consider whether any action was appropriate or possible.

Please advise me of the result of any such legal action.

Yours sincerely

Laurie Payne

National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Ltd. (Federation of Small Businesses) Sir Frank Whittle Way, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool FY4 2FE. Registered in England No. 1263540 VAT No. 529502349

Hello Louise,

Many thanks for your response

It is amazing - how it is possible that an organisation such as yours can re-act in such a manner to such a situation

It is equally remarkable how often it transpires that people is important positions - in organisation such as yours - do not read important information that is presented to them

Immediately they see or sense a problem - they panic and become not only defensive - but protective

I never expected anything different

As indicated in my letter - I have already written to (3) of your senior personnel - none had the common courtesy or decency to respond

It is obvious from your response - that your organisation - does not have a code of conduct - or if it does - it is generally understood that it can be ignored - this is disgraceful - but then what can one expect

So, at least for your response - I thank you

Lloyd Sewell - Director

Dear Mr Sewell

I fear that you have not read my email. Nor are you aware to whom you sent your email or my identity as respondent, although these items are apparent on the face of it.

We do indeed have a code of conduct to which our members are subject, as I told you.

You have made serious allegations about another member with whom you claim to have had contractual relations. I have invited you to report the results of your legal action to me. If you have not taken any such action or have failed to prove your allegations you cannot use this organisation as a substitute for litigation and the associated costs. You have apparently appointed solicitors in this matter. You must be advised by them.

If the outcome of your litigation should indicate that one of our members has broken our Code of Conduct we will look into that on the basis of evidence. At present we have no evidence and the subject may deny all your allegations.

Communicate with me again after the results of your litigation. Until then this correspondence is closed.

Yours sincerely,

Laurie Payne

National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Ltd. (Federation of Small Businesses) Sir Frank Whittle Way, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool FY4 2FE. Registered in England No. 1263540 VAT No. 529502349