Market Place
TD14 5HE
01890 752555




Dear Lloyd


Happy to have further questions from you. I did speak to Brussels but you would need to have a College or Public Body act as lead on the project to qualify for European Funding through eContent.  There would also have to be European partners which might slow down and complicate the whole process.


  1. attached is the draft proposal.. an outline to give you some ball park figures and to pose some questions around the commercialisation of the product.


  1. The project could start in December... but you could do some initial work in preparation by answering some of the questions in the specification form and in the assumptions.


  1. I will be out of action for an operation early November but can still do some work remotely.


  1. Payment terms are usually 25% up front and then payments on invoice on completion of each stage based on the number of days and the outputs.


  1. I would expect the launch to be in April, which would allow for the development, testing, marketing etc.


  1. Having looked at various developers terms and conditions... you may need to consider a 30-50% upfront payment at the point that they start building.


I spoke with the developers yesterday and the estimate for development is £12,250. This is an excellent price they have come up with and they are very reliable. I hope that sometime in the future you will come up to Scotland and meet me and the team.



