[ CASE STUDY : Access to UK Justice 101 - Intellectual Property Theft ] - [ SUMMARY ] - [ ]

1) - I arrived in the UK from Jamaica in 1961 with a UK passport,

2) - I was subsequently told in that I (must have a Jamaican passport) - eventually in (2011) - I was forced to pay One Thousand Pounds for a UK passport

3) - I worked during the day and went to college (Mathew Boulton, Birmingham, Cambridge of Technology, Cambridge) at night for (5 years) to get a C&G qualification -

6) - Subsequently - I worked for various UK companies -

7) - Eventually - because of age - I could no longer find employment - so I again studied at (West London College, Brunel University and several other places - I wanted to became an SME Business Consultant

8) - In 1995 - I tried to start my own business - and was promised assistance from West London Training & Enterprise Council

9) - Instead of providing the assistance that they promised - They stole my Business Plans and got (2.762 Million Pounds) from The Government Office for London - I got nothing (address of complete details at end)'

10) - I lodged a case against the then CEO (who conducted the theft and WLTEC at West London don County Court) - in fact absolutely everyone that I came into contact with - / stole my business / - and used it for themselves

11) - The government subsequently closed all TEC - however because my pase was pending - WLTEC could not be closed

12) - The government subsequently - made me bankrupt in my absence at Guildford County Court - Subsequently this was dismissed

13) - Despite (8 Witness Statements - including Uxbridge Borough Council and an MEP) - - (I could not afoot legal assistance) - Legal Aid was refused - and so my case against Dr Phil Blackburn and WLTEC was dismissed - for not complying?

14) - And so, after more than 50+ years living and working in the UK - I have absolutely nothing to show for all my considerable efforts

15) - On my retirement - I received the state pension and in 2012 - I went to Jamaica - after some time I started to suffer from extreme pain in my legs - (can't sleep at night - due to Peripheral Neuropathy as a result of Diabetes - in Jamaica- I could only get pain killers for medicine

16) - I read online that Bangkok Hospital in Thailand offered Effective Acupuncture Treatment to people with diabetes

17) - And so, I saved and I came to Thailand - for medical treatment

18) - I can say that after more than two years at (Bangkok Pattaya Hospital) - (twice monthly costing between (42 pounds and 102 pounds each visit) - of acupuncture and Electro Therepathy treatment

19) - I can now sleep at night without pain or stress - ref: Sample Receipt from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital

20) - I still have diabetes and sometimes find walking difficult and do not travel much - my eye sight is not good - I once fell while waling

21) - In 2020/21 - I was informed by the Pension Service - after my enquiry - That the yearly Top Up - would no longer be paid to me

22) - And so, I live on the Basic Pension and as you can see - I am still alive

23) - You can find Complete Details of my struggles to Start my Own Business - and the subsequent consequences here

Exposing Fraud: Skills, Process and Practicalities