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Intellectual Property Theft 101 by : Dr Phil Blackburn : VJ Amin : Jeff Taylor: Ruth Brothwell : Debasish Sen : Richard Hall : Southampton EIC : Menu Vora: UK Government : Business Support Agencies : Federatrion of Small Business : Patricia Anne McNeil
This theft of my Intellectual Property by Dr. Phillip Blackburn, former CEO, Business Link West London, a UK Government Business Startup Support Agency, is the culmination of working for over 50 years, in the - / UK and Europe / -
(Sep, 1961 to Dec, 2012) This incident by this nefarious parasitical degenerate individual represents - (total loss of income, total loss of business resources, total loss of experience & expertise -

All Down The Drain

stollen by this and other government assisted corrupt parasites.
“Corruption is a parasite that feeds on the resources of a society and drains it of its strength. It can devastate every level of business or individual.

The Creator of West London Fraudulent Bid Document - that included my Business Plan

Because of Theft by Dr Phillip Blackburn and others, facilliated by Lack of Access to UK Justice and Lack of Care by the UK Government - I was striped of my Intellectual Property.

To achieve my Education Objectives -
I worked for - (British Telecom from 7:30 until 3;30 each day) - then attended Mathew Boulton College of Technology in Birmingham from - (6:30 until 9:30) Monday / Wednesday / Friday - over a period of (5 years) -

In 1972, I became a Computer Engineer working all over UK also travelling and working in other countries for both British and American Firms based in the UK -

My objective to become an SME Business Consultant - included attendance of many short business courses, including courses at Brunel University and an MBA for SME at The University of Greenwich- SME Business Consultant Profile

I am currently (82 years old - and the other extremely distressing episode in this / saga / - is that having been forced to exist on a UK State Pension since my retirement -

This has been the case - From (2010 until 2020) during which time - the basic UK State Pension was increased each year -

However in 2020, I changed my normal place of residence - and was informed by the UK Pension Service - that

Because of the fact that I now lived in this other location / country -
(1) - I no longer qualified for the yearly increase and
(2) - each month the actual pension payment is a little less than the previous month) -

"UK - The Best Place to Start and Grow your Business - ?"

BLS - Statements & Letters
Case 1, 1995
Dr Phil Blackburn, IP Theft
Letter to PM Brown, 2007
Letter to PM Brown
Case 2, 2000
VJ Amin, IP Theft
PM Brown, 2007
Letter From PM Brown
BL 4 London 2001
Ruth Brothwell, IP Theft
PM Brown, 2007
Letter 2 From PM Brown
Southampton EIC, 2004 Richard Hall, IP Theft PM Blair, 2007
Letter 2 From PM Blair
Southampton EIC, 2002 Richard Hall, Invitation Letter from Tony Blair Letter from Tony Blair
Southampton EIC, 2002 Richard Hall, IP Theft Letter from Tony Blair Letter to Tony Blair
Big Solutions, IP Theft Debasish Sen, IP Theft Witness Statement 1 Witness Statement,,,,1
Witness Statements 9 John Billington Witness Statement 10 Debasish Sen

Owners Profile Proof of Ownership
European Electronic Platform for Adult Learning
Statement of Case
West London County Court

Consequences of Lack of Access to UK Justice #1

[ Witness Statement : Legal Definition of Witness Statemnts - All Ignored by Brentford County Court ] Intellectual Property Theft 101 - Witness Statements File List

Consequences of Lack of Access to UK Justice #2

Dr. Phillip Blackburn : ( Former CEO West London TEC ) - Stole The Following:

Patricia Anne Mcneil - Sottish Lady Fraudster & Lady Scammer

Benefits of Having a Indian Parasite - (Debasish Sen) - as a Friend in the UK

Institute of Business Consulting - Chartered Management Institute   

Conclusion - Creme-de-la-Creme of UK Justice
Forensic Fraud Investigator

Expert Investigative Skills - Exposing Fraud: - (Wiley Corporate F&A) Hardcover (2015)

Ian Ross gained his experience in fraud investigation in the UK police and the financial and insurance industries He has a wide range of experiences - that benefits all his varied list of clients Beyond the basics—tools for applied fraud management

In Exposing Fraud: Skills, Ian Ross provides both ideas and practical guidelines for applying sound techniques for fraud investigation and detection and related project management.

Exposing Fraud: Skills, Process and Practicalities